Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of software will be used at the summer school?
We are going use BrainVision Analyzer in the practical sessions. However, the emphasis in the practical sessions will be solely on general aspects of data analysis and not on a particular software. So we want you to learn how to analyse and interpret ERPs properly, no matter what software you use. Obviously, we have to use a software in practical sessions, and our first choice is Analyzer because it is a very powerful programme, yet intuitively easy to learn and use. Thus you would also learn how to use Analyzer on the fly, which is not a bad thing, especially if you are going to use it later. Nevertheless, our goal is that you would be able to use and apply the skills and the expertise you would gain at the Summer School no matter what software package you chose to use in your own lab.
I do not have initial knowledge about EEG and ERPs, would this course be appropriate for me?
The course is introductory in nature. Nevertheless, we do think some prior knowledge with ERPs would be beneficial so that you already have some knowledge of basic concepts and the main analysis steps.
Is previous knowledge and experience required to be able to participate in the summer school?
The course is introductory in nature. Nevertheless, we do think some prior knowledge with ERPs would be beneficial so that you already have some knowledge of basic concepts and the main analysis steps.
Can part-time PhD students at Bangor University apply?
Yes, you are welcome to apply to the Summer School. The Summer School is open for every one who would benefit from attending.
How many letters of recommendation should I submit?
At the moment, we do not ask for letters of recommendation.
What will be covered in the Summer School?
We will cover the fundamentals of using ERPs in different psychological domains such as memory, development and language, as well as the biophysical and neural underpinnings the EEG and ERPs. The majority of sessions will be in the form of practical sessions on the common steps of creating and analyzing high-quality ERPs such as artefact treatment, eye movement correction, filtering, segmenting and averaging, baseline correction, grand averages, referencing and re-referencing, peak and mean amplitude measurements, and difference waves. We may not cover advanced analysis techniques such as current source density, brain source estimation, coherence.