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25th - 30th June 2017


School of Psychology
Bangor University
Bangor, North Wales
LL57 2DG

Application deadline

Applications now closed.


Provisional programme


Please send any summer school related enquiries to

Summer School organisers

  • Prof Debbie Mills
  • Prof Christoph Klein

Previous attendees

View previous attendees here.

Bangor ERP Summer School 2017

The School of Psychology at Bangor University invites applications to the Bangor ERP Summer School 2017, to be held 25th - 30th June 2017. The ERP Summer School will continue our tradition of successful and popular Summer Schools at the School of Psychology, like the PENS WICN Summer School “The Neuroscience of Memory: Methods and Concepts to Investigate our Internal Representation of the World” in 2008, the 50th Anniversary ERP Summer School “Brainwaves and the Human Mind” 2013, and the annual “Visceral Mind Summer School” held since 2010.

Attendees will learn how to conduct, analyse, and interpret event-related potential studies in hands-on ERP analysis sessions using Vision Analyser, which will be complemented by a series of topical lectures. The emphasis will be on the analysis of event-related potentials such as treatment of artefacts and eye movements, filtering, segmentation, averaging, and data measurements.

The summer school is aimed at beginning-level ERP researchers. No previous ERP experience is necessary. It is intended for PhD students and research faculty who would like to learn more about the principles behind ERP research and gain some hands-on experience. 

The School of Psychology is acknowledged for its excellence in research and teaching. The Summer School will be taught by researchers from the EEG/ERP group.

Course fee

£340 (+ £180 6 nights B&B if required)

The course fee will include tuition, welcome reception, coffee breaks, and the conference dinner.

Vision Analyzer kindly provided by Brain Products, Munich.

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